Okay, so I have another update. The Linksys Wet11 arrived fairly quickly and was quite easy to setup. It works from the lounge to the study. But, oh joy of joys - 1 1/2 hours ago I picked up my docking stations from the Post Office courtesy of Mr Lord (I paid for it Tuesday and it was supposed to be delivered yesterday - Friday - at my home in the UK but no-one was in - a very professional service so many thanks to Mark). I am sitting at my PC now with music streaming to a browser from the empeg sitting near the TV in the lounge whilst my gf is listening to a playlist through the amp.

But, there are certain parts of the lounge, namely where I normally sit, where the CF card for my iPaq won't pick up the router. I was hoping it would wirelessly connect to the bridge but this isn't the case. I'm tempted to order the Netgear AP to see if this will do everything I need. Any comments?

And, in case anyone is interested and to stop any confusion here is my current set-up:

Linksys Wireless Wet11 Bridge in the lounge.
Empeg in docking station connected to the bridge.
Belkin wireless DSL/cable router connected to cable in the study
2 PCs hard-wired to the router.
Wireless CF ethernet card - Buffalo Airstation - for use in iPaq.

The bridge talks to the router allowing me to connect to the empeg in the lounge from my PC in the study.
Router connected to internet allowing me to share with 2 PCs.
iPaq goes via router to log onto messenger browse etc from (almost) anywhere in the house or to synch with outlook on my PC.

When I get the airnet card for my TiVo I shall be doing a fairly noddy diagram on my web pages to help anyone else who tries this kind of thing.

2x80GB Mk II with Illuminated buttons