Tony, if this is just you and one other person, you don't do this every single day, and you don't mind using a slightly slower connection (640/256), I'd be happy to create an account for you on my server that you and your friend can share. You will not be able to use FTP, only SSH, but you can get a free wintel ssh client for non-commercial use that works just like a GUI FTP client.

Like I said, if it isn't 10's of Gigs every day and as long as it doesn't totally hammer my gaming bandwidth all the time, it's the least I can do for our heroic FAQmaster. Oh, and you'll have to clean up after yourself by deleting the files when you've exchanged them.

Also, being behind NAT/firewall is not that big of a deal, and only one of you will need to open the port. If you want to talk about doing this, I'd be happy to help. You can have an old machine running OpenBSD and your very own SSH file server in under a couple of hours. Very easily. With a proper OS (UNIX), an old, free P133 can totally fill a 10Mbps pipe, and I doubt you have that kind of connectivity... I can give you some suggestions if you want to go this route, too.

Send me an email or PM if interested.
