The TTS files installed for me however, I saw a number of fail messages during the transfer. Seems that the preinit.d folder cannot be created in the /etc folder without the proper permissions applied (I am using a WinXP box)...therefore the TTS file transfer fails. You would seem to think that all was well however because all of the .pcm files transfer ok and that is the last thing that you see happen in the transfer...It happens so fast while using FTP so you may not see the errors show up in your command line screen.

I fixed this problem by installing the Empeg developer image of the player software (DomoKun's suggestion), then reinstalling the latest Hijack kernal. Once I had the developer image in place, Preinit and the TTS clock both installed without problem and they work just great now
01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110