after wasting about 2 hours with paint shop pro... it looks an awful lot like an x-box game intro in one of the frames...

of course, then i also found this link...

same camera mentioned...

then i found this...
Alternative fuel research under way at U-M
By Laurel Thomas Gnagey
The current energy crisis and the conflict in the Middle East may have accelerated the nation’s interest in developing alternative fuel sources, but U-M researchers say they have been working on a number of projects for years, and in some cases decades. They also say it will be some time before we all are driving cars powered by hydrogen. The technology is here but needs a substantial research effort to make it practical and economical.

Operating a vehicle on fuel cells is possible today, according to Johannes Schwank, professor of chemical engineering, College of Engineering (CoE). DaimlerChrysler was the first to test a car driven by fuel cells in 1994. “Renault has developed a fuel-cell-driven vehicle requiring hydrogen storage on board,” says Schwank. “The one place left in the vehicle is just the front seat because so much room is taken up by the storage device and the equipment to power the vehicle.”

so my guesses are
1. its a freakin ad for something i probly wont buy anyway.
2. the dude has uncovered something about a fuel source based on water.

good thing search engines dont catalog php databases or there would be like a million hits on this website because this is being posted here...