It's great that there is someone else with a similar idea. Seems like there is also a lot of support for sending the song info out on the serial line. You guys at empeg could impliment this fairly easy.
As for the LCD to video converter, I am not aware of anyone producing this because there probably isn't high demand for it but it could be made. I have been messing around with sampling an RS170 video signal (like NTSC w/o color) and pulling the data into a microcontroller. Then I modify it and send it back out. I am using a sync pulse extracter for good timing. However, going this route would require the empeg to be opened (which would void the warranty). Since I intend to keep my warranty I will probably just try to get the signals out the serial line. I can make the display as fancy as I want but I will probably keep it simple at first. There probably isn't much chance of me figuring out how to get the visualization info out the serial connection. So to get a visualization on the external screen I will probably impliment my own DSP and make at least a basic spectrum analyzer. Probably just do an FFT on the audio output. I have experience with the analog devices SHARC DSP and the AD1847 Serial-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec. I realize I am reinventing the wheel here because the empeg is capable of so much more but this is how I know how to do it.
If more people are interested in a TV output please leave a message or email me so I know how much interest there is!
Alex Lear