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The reason I ask is that my personal experience is that ClearType looks bad. I've not used XP's implementation, but I've used it somewhere (I want to say MacOS X, but I'm not sure of that) on a laptop LCD screen and had to turn it off almost immediately because it looked so bad -- and I tried different color ordering and everything. It just looked rainbow-y whereas the normal antialiasing looked fine and grey.

It will look rainbowy if you don't run the setup tool which I don't think they actually tell you about. If you have it set up "too much" it will look bad.

I had a 15" TFT I was planning on using the car which was sitting in my room for *months* - I then got the empeg and finally used the TFT on my computer. It (ClearType) makes using the computer *so* much easier that I couldn't believe it.

I will second the point by Rob that installing it as an upgrade is a bad idea, though it pained me to reinstall from scratch I don't regret doing it. Also, switch of "system restore" - waste of time unless you really live "on the edge"!

PS. has a neat font smoothing demo.

Edited by g_attrill (30/09/2002 09:21)