It turns out the 777 is fly-by-wire and the A300 and A310 are fly-by-cable.

Fly-by-cable is where the pilot mechanically triggers the hydrolics that manipulate the control surface (or in the way old school days, mechanically manipulate the control surface with no hydrolics). Fly-by-wire does this with electrical impulses, the feeling of 'moving' the control surface is simulated by attaching a weight to the input device (stick/yolk) that provides the increased strength needed to move a device in different conditions (hard to explain, but if you want, I can try). Fly-by-light is the same as fly-by-wire except with fiber optics and light pulses instead of electrical. I think the LockMart JSF is the first aircraft to use this, but FBL appears in the V-22 acronym list as Fly-by-Light also, so maybe the V-22 uses it also.