So how to the rest of you deal with annoying ``hidden'' tracks, etc?

Some ``hidden'' tracks are simply unnumbered (on the label, anyway) tracks at the end of the CD. Fairly obvious how to deal with those.

But what about the other, more annoying, types?

Like the ones that are on the same track as the last song, separated from it by large amounts of silence? These are remarkably annoying. Do you guys rip to WAV and split them and then mp3-ize the new shorter WAVs? And, if so, do you keep the silence? What if it's not really silence, but extra-quiet ``stuff'', for lack of a better word?

Or the ones whose CDs have 12 tracks, then 48 blank tracks, then another song at track 59? Do you mark them as tracks 1-13 or tracks 1-12 and 59? (Not that this makes a load of difference on the empeg, as it doesn't show track numbers anywhere, really.) And, again, what about the intervening tracks? Do you keep those?

And, tangentially, do recording artists really think that this concept is entertaining? That, in order to listen to their music, I have to go through this rigamarole to get to it? I mean, I remember back in the early days of CDs when artists would put actual hidden tracks on, where there would be an additional track after the CD stop indicator, so you'd have to fast forward to it, and I understood that; it was kind of like equivalent of a B-side -- something that they thought didn't quite fit, but thought you might like to hear anyway. Now it's just a bad joke.
Bitt Faulk