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Do you think this has anything to do with ext3? And shouldn't it go super fast with the new ext3 savvy fsck?

Actually an ext3 fsck won't be any faster. The thing is it should never have to do an fsck in the first place as it fixes any file system errors when the volume is first mounted. The only reason you are even getting an fsck is because the player software explicitly calls it. IIRC hijack has an option to disable the periodic fscks that you are seeing. I haven't actually tried it myself though.

FWIW, on my 40 Gig empeg fscks always seem to take at least a half hour. Did it eventually finish OK?

BTW, if anybody is wondering why I haven't touched this in a while it is mainly because I am in the middle of moving so haven't had much free time to work on it. I am still hoping to get it patched up a bit farther to (hopefully) fix Drakino's problem and the remount problem I have. I probably won't be able to get to it until next month though as I won't have internet access (sacrilegious!) for a bit after finishing the move into the new place.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration