Why would you say to anyone "look at this cool gun I got"? Especially to people who you know will take offence to it. you didn't just show your friends at home, you took the gun down to the local school, loaded it in the playground and announced you had a loaded weapon.

This is not a witch hunt. Otherwise there would be a systematic culling of people who posted anything slightly off topic. This is purely enforcing the 'spirit' of the community.
Picture that we are all sitting around a table, large as it may be, having relevant conversations and being generally constructive. Someone has quite extreme views which, despite annoying people, they are allowed to air and the conversation continues. Now that person starts interjecting with random words and phrases, with the potential to take over the conversation and have the whole group kicked out of the convention centre. How long will that person be tolerated?

As for 'this thread is bigger than anything the bot made', what a load of crap. Only because you didn't let it run free and only because we feel so strongly about it. If you'd let it run free it could have been longer than this thread in minutes. It's not a case of 'but although it had the potential, I didn't let it do anything'. If you're pulled over for drunk driving, usually it's because you could potentially kill someone.
Be thankfull that we are even letting you in under a different name.

If you can't see the point in this whole thread then you truely don't deserve to be part of this community.

I think I've made my vote clear.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?