my 18 gig HD has crapped out on me but fortunately my 30 gig HD is fine. I have been running the player off of this one drive and it works...partially. About every other song, it will display the song title etc but will not play it. I then press forward to the next track and if the track is there, it will be automatically paused. I un-pause it and the song begins to play.

I can only guess that what is happening is that the database still lists some of the songs that were on the dead drive which is not even plugged in anymore and can't find them.

I can't figure out why emplode decided to store some songs on the 18 and others on the 30. I added the songs by 'album' yet some albums will have only half the songs available (I assume on the 30 gig drive).

I was wondering how I can 'force' my player to examine the contents of working 30 gig and rebuild the database to reflect what is on the 30 gig drive only. Is this possible?
50 Gig MK2 feat. over 7445 songs, 865 albums by 400 artists for 25 days of easy listening